
How To Change Controls On Bluestacks Mac

With Smashing Game Controls, Come Epic Wins

Playing an android game on PC with your mouse and keyboard is an incredibly empowering experience. Add BlueStacks' Customized Game Controls to this powerful combination, and boom, you are all set to make your mobile gameplay on PC more precise and consistent.

  • PC like Gameplay

    The ease that a keyboard and mouse offer, is no match with the catchy affect controls on your mobile screen. With BlueStacks Game Controls, casting spells or shooting becomes even more easier.

  • Customizable

    The preset controls are more than enough for a super comfortable gameplay. Simply with BlueStacks, yous go the freedom to customize Game Controls to the minutest details.

  • Import. Export. Share

    Whether it is the default controls or the ones that you lot have created on your own, you tin import and export the control settings and share it with your gaming buddies.

Select Your Game Genre & Device






Aim and Shoot

Other Important Moves



Skill Casting Modes

Zoom In / Out

Other Important Moves


  • Preset Game Controls

    Our gamers spent countless hours playing your favorite games and designing the default controls. The result is a fantastic combination of tools that are super like shooting fish in a barrel to remember and execute, just similar you see them in a PC game. Go ahead, use them to your heart's content and rank upwards.

    Changing Preset Controls


    • The 'Game Guide' panel opens automatically when you launch a game. Alternatively, printing CTRL+ Shift + H or click on the 'question mark' icon to admission it

    • Edit the assigned keys for whatsoever control by clicking on it

    • Click on the 'Salvage' button and you're good to go

  • Advanced Game Controls

    Change existing controls. Create controls for games where information technology doesn't exist. And create controls for games that support gamepad. You can further fine tune each control in the advanced settings.

    Create New Controls

    It is easy, fast and fun to create new keyboard controls for any game by going to the Advanced Game Controls. Here is how.


    • Start the game and printing CTRL+ Shift +A or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar to open Advanced Game Controls card

    • From this carte, drag and drop the controls at the advisable coordinates on the game screen

    • (Optional) After placing the control on the game screen, right-click on it for advanced changes

    • Click on the 'Salvage' push

    The 'right click menu' is your window to even more granular changes. It is unique for every control, giving you the option to customize very fine details. The gamer in you would love to geek out about these advanced changes. Also, this is the only mode to manually set gamepad controls (currently) for a game without preset controls.

Advanced Settings Controls

  • Aim, Pan, and Shoot

    Aim, Pan, and Shoot

    Snipe downwardly the enemies or shoot to kill similar a pro. All you demand to practice is press the F1 central (default setting) to activate the Shooting Way. Aim and shoot with mouse (left click). Desire to customize the shooting manner to move around and aim faster? The 'Aim, Pan and Shoot' control is here to help.


    • Launch a shooting game

    • Printing CTRL+ Shift+ A to open Advanced Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Drag and drib 'Aim, Pan and Shoot' at the appropriate coordinates on the game screen

    • Right click on it to make advanced changes

    Advanced Settings for Aim, Pan, and Shoot

    • Guidance Category

      The category under which to prove the command in the game window

    • Fields


    • Ten

      Location of the "X" axis where Shooting Fashion is placed

    • Y

      Location of "Y" axis where Shooting Mode is placed

    • Start Terminate

      The toggle key that is used to activate/de-activate Shooting Mode. Default is usually F1

    • Append

      Suspends 'Shooting Mode' and allows free movement of the mouse cursor while the key is pressed (Till it is released)

    • Mouse Sensitivity

      The sensitivity of the aim with respect to the move of the mouse. With Sensitivity = ane, the game will aim at Windows sensitivity.(Pro Tip - Switch off enhanced arrow precision from "Pointer Options" in Control Panel to go more accurate aiming)

    • Sensitivity Ratio Y

      This is used to set a different sensitivity for Y-Axis (Vertical motion of the mouse). E.g. Value of 2 = Vertical movement is twice equally fast as horizontal movement

    • Look Around Mode

    • Enable Mode

      Used to enable Look Around Mode which is a core part of most Boxing Royale Games

    • Eye Icon

      Place the eye icon on the look around control if available

    • Costless Expect Position Ten Y

      To ascertain coordinates manually

    • Gratuitous Look

      Central used to look around.

    • Fire with Mouse Left

    • Enable Way

      Used to enable Shooting with Left Click in a much better way

    • Place the fire icon over the burn down weapon control on the screen

      The mouse icon can be placed over the key that is used to shoot in the game

    • Activity Position 10 Y

      To define coordinates manually

    • Action

      Key to Shoot (Default set to Left Click)

    • Overlay

      Select to show keys on screen

  • Tap Spot

    Tap Spot

    Choose whatever key and assign it to a task highlighted on the game-play area of the screen. Permit it fire, jump or cast a spell. Tap Spot frees your mouse and does the designated job with your assigned key.


    • Launch the game

    • Press CTRL+ Shift+ A to open Advanced Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Drag and drop 'Tap Spot' at the advisable coordinates on the game screen

    • Correct click on it to brand advanced changes

    Advanced Settings for Tap Spot

    • Field


    • Guidance Category

      The category under which to testify the control in the game window

    • X

      X coordinate of the Tap. Automatically picked upward from the location where the Tap Command is placed

    • Y

      Y coordinate of the Tap. Automatically picked upwardly from the location where the Tap Command is placed

    • Key

      Keyboard fundamental assigned to the Tap Control

  • Repeated Tap

    Repeated Tap

    Single key printing. That is all yous need to replicate the action of multiple or continuous clicks. Go ahead, run in PUBG by just pressing a single key, one time. Like shooting fish in a barrel, isn't it?


    • Launch the game

    • Press CTRL+ Shift+ A to open Advanced Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Drag and drop 'Repeated Tap' at the advisable coordinates on the game screen

    • Right click on it to make avant-garde changes

    Advanced Settings for Repeated Tap

    • Field


    • X

      X coordinate of the Repeated Tap. Automatically picked upwardly from the location where the Repeated Tap is placed

    • Y

      Y coordinate of the Repeated Tap. Automatically picked up from the location where the Repeated Tap is placed

    • Key

      Keyboard central assigned for the Repeated Tap

    • Count

      The number of times the keypress would be registered when you "printing and hold" the assigned key

    • Delay

      Delay between each registered keypress

  • D-Pad


    D-Pad allows you to simulate the game analog stick or map the move of your graphic symbol with your keyboard. Assign any key combinations to move left, correct, up and downwards with ease. The default keys are W, A, S, D merely nothing stops y'all from choosing your own combo.


    • Launch the game

    • Press CTRL+ Shift+ A to open Advanced Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Drag and driblet 'D-Pad' at the advisable coordinates on the game screen

    • Right click on it to make avant-garde changes

    Advanced Settings for D-Pad

    • Field


    • X

      X coordinate of the D-pad. Automatically picked upward from the location where the D-pad Control is placed

    • Y

      Y coordinate of the D-pad. Automatically picked up from the location where the D-pad Control is placed

    • Radius

      The radius of the D-pad Control

    • Up

      Keyboard central assigned for Up action of D-pad Control

    • Down

      Keyboard key assigned for down activeness of D-pad Control

    • Left

      Keyboard key assigned for Left action of D-pad Command

    • Right

      Keyboard key assigned for Right activity of D-pad Control

    • Speed Modifier 1

      Fundamental assigned to alter the speed. east.g. if a character can run faster on sliding the D-pad control to an outer ring or slower by limiting the D-pad swipe radius to a smaller value, we can perform the same past assigning a key in speed modifier one

    • Radius ane

      Modified Radius of visual D-pad for Speed Modifier 1

    • Speed Modifier 2

      Another control to modify the speed. Same equally Speed modifier one

    • Radius ii

      Modified Radius of visual D-pad for Speed Modifier 2

    • Speed

      Default 200. This controls how fast the D-pad moves from the eye to the edge of the D-pad. Adjust this as per your gameplay, if required.

    • Activation Time

      Default 0. How long to hold the D-pad before it is swiped in the direction of movement

    • Activation Speed

      Default 0

    • MOBA Command Mode

      Please cheque the post-obit commodity to make advanced changes in MOBA style

  • Zoom


    Opened a map in Gratis Fire and want to zoom out to come across the location where y'all desire to country? Or, beloved playing games that back up pinch and zoom? All of information technology is possible with the zoom feature.


    • Launch the game

    • Printing CTRL+ Shift+ A to open Advanced Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Elevate and drop 'Zoom' at the appropriate coordinates on the game screen

    • Correct click on it to make advanced changes

    Avant-garde Settings for Zoom

    • Field


    • X

      X coordinate of Zoom

    • Y

      Y coordinate of Zoom

    • Zoom in

      Keyboard key assigned for Zoom-in action of a Zoom control

    • Zoom out

      Keyboard key assigned for Zoom-out action of Zoom Command

    • Override

      Override for default 'Ctrl' + '-' and 'Ctrl' + '=' (can exist truthful/false)

    • Guidance Category

      The category under which to show the control in the game window

    • Radius

      Defines the radius of the game area on which zoom control is applicable.

    • Modifier Key

      Defines the fundamental which is required to be pressed along with assigned keys for zoom in/out action. e.grand. if the Alt central is defined as a modifier key then information technology is required to press Alt+'-' for zoom out.

    • Speed

      Defines speed for zoom in/out action

    • Override

      Can be set as True or False with a click. If True, the keys ready in the zoom function will simply work. CTRL and - or = won't work.If False, both the assigned keys and CTRL and - or = will work for Zoom.

    Note : Default keys for Zoom in and Zoom out part are 'Ctrl' + '-' for Zoom out and 'Ctrl' + '=' for Zoom in. If y'all need to modify and assign keys different than these eastward.m.: Up cardinal and Down key, you shall keep Override value to False.

  • MOBA Skill Pad

    MOBA Skill Pad

    If you are a MOBA or RPG fan, you would know that casting and combining spells and skills, and doing information technology faster than your opponent tin can exist a big claiming on a cluttered mobile screen. With the MOBA Skill Pad, you tin use your mouse and keyboard to motion your characters and aim your spells and skills. It is similar your special D-Pad that gives y'all the power to assign a desired key to engage that skill.


    • Launch the game

    • Press CTRL+ Shift+ A to open Advanced Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Elevate and drop 'MOBA Skill Pad' at the appropriate coordinates on the game screen

    • Right click on information technology to brand advanced changes

    Advanced Settings for MOBA Skill Pad

    • Field


    • X

      Ten coordinate of MOBA Skill

    • Y

      Y coordinate of the MOBA Skill

    • Actuate

      Keyboard key assigned to activate Skill

    • Cancel

      Keyboard cardinal assigned to cancel activated skill

    • Cancel primal icon

      Place icon on the cancel tap betoken

    • Radius

      Increase radius of MOBA Skill

    • Guidance Category

      The category under which to show the control in the game window

  • Swipe


    Precise swiping action, with your keyboard. Assign whatsoever central combination that you are comfortable with and you tin simulate the swipe movement to execute specific tasks in your favorite sports games.


    • Launch the game

    • Press CTRL+ Shift+ A to open Advanced Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Drag and driblet 'Swipe' at the advisable coordinates on the game screen

    • Right click on it to make advanced changes

    Advanced Settings for Swipe

    • Field


    • 10

      X coordinate of the Swipe. Automatically picked up from the location where the Swipe Command is placed

    • Y

      Y coordinate of the Swipe. Automatically picked upwards from the location where the Swipe Control is placed

    • Radius

      Increase radius of swipe Way

    • Speed

      Defines speed for the Swipe Style

    • Swipe and concord

      To stop the character from getting dorsum to the initial position after swiping. can be true/false

    • Swipe Upwards

      Keyboard key assigned for swiping up

    • Swipe Down

      Keyboard key assigned for swiping downwards

    • Swipe Left

      Keyboard key assigned for swiping left

    • Swipe Right

      Keyboard key assigned for swiping correct

    • Guidance Category

      The category under which to show the control in the game window

  • Complimentary Wait

    Costless Expect

    In FPS and TPS games, being followed by your enemy could mean getting killed. With the Complimentary Look feature, you lot can plough instantly. Spin the photographic camera 360 degrees and check backside you without having to drag the mouse around. Didn't nosotros say, we have always got your back.


    • Launch the game

    • Press CTRL+ Shift+ A to open up Advanced Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Drag and drop 'Free Wait' at the appropriate coordinates on the game screen

    • Right click on it to make advanced changes

    Advanced Settings for Free Look

    • Field


    • 10

      Keyboard cardinal assigned for up tilt

    • Y

      Keyboard key assigned for a downwards tilt

    • Cardinal

      Keyboard key assigned for left tilt

    • Primal Left

      Keyboard key assigned for right tilt

    • Fundamental Right

      Defines the angle past which grapheme/prop tilts. Values in degrees.

    • Central Up

      Defines speed of tilt in angles/2d

    • Key Down

      To stop the character from getting back to the initial position subsequently tilt. Values tin be true/faux

  • Tilt


    Need to tilt or rotate in a specific game? You can at present easily map any tilt action using the 'Tilt' feature on BlueStacks. Just assign keys to tilt up, down, left or right and play abroad!


    • Launch the game

    • Press CTRL+ Shift+ A to open Avant-garde Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Drag and drop 'Tilt' at the appropriate coordinates on the game screen

    • Right click on information technology to make advanced changes

    Advanced Settings for Tilt

    • Field


    • Up

      Keyboard key assigned for up tilt

    • Downwards

      Keyboard key assigned for a down tilt

    • Left

      Keyboard key assigned for left tilt

    • Right

      Keyboard key assigned for right tilt

    • Guidance Category

      The category under which to show the command in the game window

    • Maximum Tilt Bending

      Defines the angle by which grapheme/prop tilts. Values in degrees.

    • Speed

      Defines speed of tilt in angles/2nd

    • Auto Reset

      To stop the character from getting back to the initial position after tilt. Values tin exist true/faux

  • Script


    Your script is the game's command. Create your own scripts to trigger a sequence of deportment (think keystrokes, mouse clicks) by pressing but a single key. Writing the scripts is super fun with the help of script game guides.


    • Launch the game

    • Press CTRL+ Shift+ A to open up Advanced Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Drag and drop 'Script' at appropriate coordinates on the game screen

    • Right Click on it and assign a button that will initiate the script command

    • Click on the "<\>" icon under the script button to open the Scripts Editor and start calculation the commands

    • Create BlueStacks scripts using this comprehensive script guide

How to Import and Export Game Controls

  • Import

    • Launch the game

    • Printing CTRL+ Shift+ A to open Avant-garde Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Click on the 'Import' icon at the top

    • Navigate to the .cfg file on your PC and click on the 'Open' button

    • Assign a name to the imported Command Scheme and click on 'Import'

  • Consign

    • Launch Game

    • Printing CTRL+ Shift+ A to open up Advanced Game Controls or click on the keyboard icon on the sidebar

    • Click on the 'Export' icon at the pinnacle

    • Choose the scheme(s) you want to export and click on the 'Export' push

    • Choose the destination folder and click on the 'Save' push button

Game Controls Work Best With

  • MOBA Mode

    Movement your hero freely or cast different skills with your mouse and keyboard.

    View Details
  • Shooting Mode

    Better your aim and reaction time with the keyboard, mouse

    View Details
  • Script

    Automate repetitive in-game tasks.

    View Details

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How To Change Controls On Bluestacks Mac,


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