
No Mans Sky Living Water

Book cover styled art showcasing No Man's Sky artwork

Living Ship: Introducing Update 2.3


Living Ships are a new class of rare, sentient starships to add to your fleet, growing in dozens of procedurally-generated variations.


These biological ships have their own ready of unique organic technologies, all procedurally generated for a customised, evolved loadout.


A new series of missions, Starbirth, will take players through the ancient Korvax experiments that led to the birth of these sentient starships.

Players who wish to incubate, grow and ultimately fly their own living send should visit the Space Anomaly and follow the call of the Void Egg…


Airplane pilot your sentient transport from its foreign, organic cockpit. Grasp vein-covered tendrils to suggest directions to the living craft, and examine the unsettling details in total 360° in VR.


Experience rare encounters with mysterious infinite objects and strange new lifeforms while pulsing through a star organization.

Investigating these may often yield rewards – or more dangerous encounters!

Infinite NPCS

NPCs now have the potential to hail your communicator in space.

These alien lifeforms often stock specialty items for sale – but some may need assistance, or approach with more than questionable intentions…


Managing items in the inventory has become easier with a new shortcut to instantly divide a stack in one-half.

Multiplayer exploration has been streamlined with the power to warp equally a group. Team up with friends and strangers on the Space Bibelot, then choose your exit destination to continue your journey together.

Game performance is improved beyond the board, with a focus on runtime optimisations for terrain, deject and water shaders for PSVR and PS4.

Patch notes

Living Transport

  • Introduced a new style of starship, the Living Ship.
  • These ships have their own sectional range of organic technologies and cannot be upgraded past conventional means.
  • Adjust your playstyle to the restrictions and benefits of these organic techs, or hatch and evolve new procedural upgrades to grow your own custom ship.


  • Incubate your Void Egg and learn about the origin of the Living Ships with a new mission chain, Starbirth.
  • Completing these missions will hatch the Void Egg into your ain procedurally generated Living Ship.
  • Additional ships may be hatched from subsequently incubated eggs.

Space Encounters

  • While using the Pulse Engine to fly between planets, at that place is a run a risk of encountering strange objects in local space.
  • Drop out of pulse-flight to begin the encounter.
  • A large range of foreign objects and exotic rewards expect…
  • Different encounters accept dissimilar chances of occurring based on the characteristics of the solar organization.

Trader Hails

  • Also as strange objects, players may also run across passing trader ships.
  • These will hail the player while using the Pulse Engine and may need assistance, offering to trade, and more…

Quality of Life

  • If players are in a grouping but practise not have a Nexus mission active, so when taking off from the Space Bibelot they can at present choose to exit direct to the organization of any other actor in their group.
  • Fixed a number of issues that caused planetary charts and others scans to pick from too narrow a range of buildings. Players should no longer be sent repeatedly to the same building when using multiple charts.
  • Stock-still an result that caused distress signals to occasionally lead to a crashed ship site with no crashed ship.
  • Added an instant split button to allow players to rapidly divide stacks of items in half.
  • Players tin can now hold down buttons to increase or subtract stack sizes, rather than having to press repeatedly.
  • Stock-still an outcome that prevented the Exocraft Summoning Station from working if placed within a base.
  • Improved the range of the Exocraft Summoning Station, so that information technology allows Exocraft to exist summoned from anywhere in the system.
  • Planets that you have discovered no longer need to be repeatedly rescanned to see their resource from space.
  • Stock-still an effect that caused the planetary resources popup to flicker while pulsing towards a planet.
  • Stock-still an issue that made it difficult to enter Space Stations from tight angles.
  • Allowed starships to opposite during atmospheric flying if stuck in other geometry.
  • The automatic Launch System Recharger now functions while the actor is sitting in the cockpit, if the transport is landed.
  • Improved VR swimming controls for VR devices that use thumbsticks.
  • Significantly increased the distance players are able to move the camera in Photo Fashion.


  • Introduced a number of pregnant GPU optimisations to terrain rendering.
  • Introduced a number of significant optimisations to terrain generation.
  • Introduced a number of significant retention optimisations.
  • Introduced some pocket-sized load fourth dimension optimisations.
  • Introduced some smaller optimisations and visual fixes to cloud rendering.
  • Introduced a number of water rendering optimisations for PSVR.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an outcome that caused Proximity Switches to be activated by empty Exocraft.
  • Stock-still an issue that prevented decals from working when customising Exocraft appearances.
  • Fixed an effect that caused the Analysis Visor UI to judder in VR.
  • Fixed a number of issues that fabricated information technology difficult to warp to the centre of the galaxy.
  • Fixed an consequence that acquired the kill count to reset in the final mission for the Armourer if players entered a building during combat.
  • Fixed an issue that acquired Carbon Planters to be unavailable for purchase.
  • Construction-way missions from the Nexus will properly mark the desired construction site if players leave the planet mid-mission.
  • Stock-still a number of issues that prevented items from being taken out of or put into Storage Containers.
  • Fixed an result where pirates would occasionally ask for wildly incorrect amounts when bargaining for peace.
  • Fixed an issue that could foreclose special mission Portals on the Artemis path from functioning correctly if they were left while in an agile state.
  • Stock-still an consequence that could cause a ship docked at a Merchandise Outpost to be placed underneath the landing pad when loading into the game.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the filter icons to be incorrectly aligned in the Galaxy Map.
  • Fixed a rare crash that could occur when warping to a base after having used a Portal.
  • Fixed a problems that allowed Nexus missions to exist restarted from the mission log.
  • Fixed a number of problems that could cause Nexus missions to select inappropriate star systems.
  • Stock-still an issue that could cause Nexus missions to send players to the wrong building.
  • Fixed an outcome that could occasionally cause visual elements of the Personal Refiner to render in first person.
  • Fixed an effect that acquired the Personal Refiner not to stop animating when refining was consummate.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the names of unknown planets to be revealed by their moons.
  • Improved the position of HUD markers in the Analysis Visor UI.
  • Improved the positioning of the ship repair UI in VR.
  • Stock-still an issue that could crusade the ship crosshair to judder.
  • Fixed some minor text issues in missions objectives and the Guide.
  • Fixed an consequence that could cause filters to apply incorrectly on the Space Station, Infinite Anomaly, frigates and freighters.
  • Stock-still an issue that made the Space Bibelot too green when using HDR.
  • Fixed an event that prevented the VR eject handles in ship cockpits from lighting up when the player first enters the ship.
  • Stock-still a rare effect that immune players to equip weapons in the Space Anomaly.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Solar Panels from playing their audio.
  • Fixed an outcome that could cause the torchlight to flicker while moving.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause recently used interactions to exist reset shortly after loading.
  • Fixed an consequence that caused an empty black dialogue box to appear when leaving a planetary Applied science Merchant.
  • Fixed an result that caused the Nutrient Processor's inventory to exist incorrectly labelled.
  • Updated the visuals of the Bytebeat Cable so it is distinct from the Teleport Cablevision.
  • Stock-still an issue with the Bytebeat Switch that caused the On Arpeggio Annotation output to burn down when non playing an arpeggio.
  • Fixed an issue with the Bytebeat Switch that caused note colours to exist reversed.
  • Stock-still an effect with the Bytebeat Switch that caused triggers to exist sent for parts that are not agile in the Synchroniser.
  • Stock-still an issue in the Bytebeat that caused visuals to go out of sync when editing tempo.
  • Stock-still a number of minor glitches when scrubbing in the Bytebeat UI.
  • Stock-still an issue that caused pirate probes to always fail when the Pulse Engine was agile.
  • Fixed an issue that acquired the Pulse Engine tutorial to incorrectly appear in the middle of combat.
  • Stock-still a text mismatch in the standing rewards, where Mercenary and Explorers Order standing rewards were mislabeled.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Surveying Tutorial to move on before the player had actually learned the Survey Device.
  • Stock-still an issue that prevented the Evidence HUD binding from working on PC keyboard controls when piloting a send.
  • Stock-still an result that acquired a number of building parts to exist unknown when starting a Creative Mode game, including industrial Silos.
  • Fixed an issue that acquired Black Holes not to warp players if they were somehow approached on human foot.

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